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Tag - itibabeauty

A Grandmother’s Talk About Skin

About Itiba, Skin care, Uncategorized

As I walked my grandson from school to my home, we started on the topic of skincare and why it is so important to take care of it. I was a proud grandma when I heard him tell…

Summer Time Means Summer Bugs


When it comes to warding off mosquitoes, lemon eucalyptus emerges as a remarkable natural alternative to chemical repellents. Here are some enticing benefits of using lemon eucalyptus as a mosquito repellent: a. Natural and Plant-Based Alternative: Lemon eucalyptus…

Understanding the Difference: Moisturizing vs. Hydrating Your Skin with itibaBeauty Products

Products, Skin care

When it comes to skincare, the terms “moisturizing” and “hydrating” are often used interchangeably. However, they have distinct meanings and require different approaches. Let’s explore the difference and discover the best products from itibabeauty for each purpose. Moisturizing…

Sweet, Sweet Mango

Beauty, Skin care

Mango, a tropical fruit abundant in the Caribbean, has long been celebrated for its delicious flavor and health benefits. But did you know that it also has traditional uses in skincare? In the Caribbean, mango has been used…

The Principle of Sankofa in Skincare…itibabeauty

Beauty, Products, Skin care

Beauty is not just skin deep; it’s a reflection of our culture, heritage, and traditions. It’s a way of connecting with our roots and embracing the beauty that surrounds us. The Taino Amerindians of the Caribbean are one…

Plant-based Skincare, the Earth and You

Beauty, News, Press, Products, Skin care

itibabeauty video We are a people of the Sun, the Land and the Sea. We have long since known and understood the curative powers of the “bush”. As Caribbean people, it has been part of our culture to…

In the Kitchen Series…Papaya and Avocado


Happy New Year family!! I am starting a first in a series of blogs called “In the Kitchen…” where I will talk about fruits, plants and other household items that you can use to make your skincare routine…

Nature’s Acne and Oil Fighting Fruit


I bet you are wondering what that fruit is 🙂 It is the Key Lime. Here on St. Croix we just call them “Lime”. The scent is amazing, the taste, a bit sour, but better when mixed with…

We Are Still HERE!! #VIStrong


This will be a quick post. But I was reminded by a customer today that they did not realize that we are still in business. Thankfully, they were able to call and clear that up. So…   We…

Winter Skin Blues


With each season brings a slightly different skin care routine. But one that is constant no matter the time of year is moisturization and hydration. For most of my itiba family, winter is here and with it the…