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Category - Contests

Let the Submissions Begin!


Today, Tuesday, February 18, 2014, is the day to begin sending in your submissions for your chance to be the next #itibaWoman! BE SURE TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS AS FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RENDER YOUR ENTRY NULL AND…

St. Croix Agricultural Fair 2014

Contests, Events, Products, Skin care

This weekend St. Croix is abuzz with Ag Fest related activities, and we are in the mix of things with our very own booth! Stop by booth #10 and pick up some limited edition items made just for…

This Could Be You!


This week we kicked off our 2014 itiba Woman Contest. Do you think you’ve got what it takes to represent this top natural skincare line? On Monday, February 3, 2014 we will be announcing how you can enter…