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Tag - natural body care

Dry Brushing. A Simple Treat for your Skin

Beauty, mango, News, Products, Skin care

Sometimes you may not want to do a scrub or you are just looking for something different to do. You know you still need to exfoliate, but you just don’t want to have to deal with the oils,…

Winter Skin Blues


With each season brings a slightly different skin care routine. But one that is constant no matter the time of year is moisturization and hydration. For most of my itiba family, winter is here and with it the…

What is an itiba woman?

Beauty, Skin care

The itiba woman is a natural woman, a caring woman. Not necessarily a mother in the literal sense, but nurturing to herself and to others. Her beauty is apparent not because of her features, but because she just radiates beauty with…

To Brush or Not to Brush…

Beauty, Skin care

That is the question 🙂 I recently responded to a piece about exfoliation and thought “Everything is about the latest abrasive or peel or something. What about a simple brushing?” I do Dry Brushing as often as I…

Mango Madness

mango, Skin care

Summer has arrived! School is out, the sun is shining and the wonderful azure blue waters of the Caribbean Sea are glistening and inviting you to just come and sit for a while. The laughter of the children…