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Tag - healthy lifestyle

Body Butter vs Body Lotion

Beauty, Products, Skin care

Hello, Itibabeauty community! Are you confused about the difference between body butter and body lotion? We’re here to shed light on these skincare essentials, explain their unique properties, and guide you on when to use each for optimal…

Sweet, Sweet Mango

Beauty, Skin care

Mango, a tropical fruit abundant in the Caribbean, has long been celebrated for its delicious flavor and health benefits. But did you know that it also has traditional uses in skincare? In the Caribbean, mango has been used…

The Principle of Sankofa in Skincare…itibabeauty

Beauty, Products, Skin care

Beauty is not just skin deep; it’s a reflection of our culture, heritage, and traditions. It’s a way of connecting with our roots and embracing the beauty that surrounds us. The Taino Amerindians of the Caribbean are one…

Skincare from a Caribbean Perspective

Beauty, News, Products, Skin care

Traditional Caribbean remedies for skincare are heavily focused on the use of natural ingredients found locally in the region. Aloe vera, coconut oil, lemongrass, cornmeal, and turmeric are just a few of the many plants, fruits, and herbs…

Plant-based Skincare, the Earth and You

Beauty, News, Press, Products, Skin care

itibabeauty video We are a people of the Sun, the Land and the Sea. We have long since known and understood the curative powers of the “bush”. As Caribbean people, it has been part of our culture to…

Dry Brushing. A Simple Treat for your Skin

Beauty, mango, News, Products, Skin care

Sometimes you may not want to do a scrub or you are just looking for something different to do. You know you still need to exfoliate, but you just don’t want to have to deal with the oils,…

In the Kitchen Series…Papaya and Avocado


Happy New Year family!! I am starting a first in a series of blogs called “In the Kitchen…” where I will talk about fruits, plants and other household items that you can use to make your skincare routine…