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Tag - fragrance

We Are Still HERE!! #VIStrong


This will be a quick post. But I was reminded by a customer today that they did not realize that we are still in business. Thankfully, they were able to call and clear that up. So…   We…

Listening to SELF


Sometimes, you get that little something in the pit of your stomach that tells you not to go there or to do that thing. For me, sometimes, I will just be procrastinating a little too long with something…

What is an itiba woman?

Beauty, Skin care

The itiba woman is a natural woman, a caring woman. Not necessarily a mother in the literal sense, but nurturing to herself and to others. Her beauty is apparent not because of her features, but because she just radiates beauty with…

Scent soothes the savage beast…


They say that music soothes the savage beast. Well…I beg to differ. I think it is scent! Fragrance. Our nose! I mean, of course music helps, but I think scent does a way better job at it than…